Coil Coating

Benefits of G&S Coil Coating vs. Sprayed or Dipped Non-Stick Applications on Steel Bakeware

Tin free steel vs. cold rolled carbon steel – G&S Coil Coated non-stick finishes are applied to more expensive tin-free(high top) steel. Other coating applications use cold rolled steel which is significantly more prone to rust. All bakeware products from the Orient are currently manufactured from cold rolled steel.

Resistance to rusting after extended use or wear – Coil coatings are applied to the sheet prior to stamping providing a uniform seal in the corners and rolled edges where sprayed finishes are subject to rust.

Uniform coating and color – Coil coating is applied evenly across the metal which eliminates drip marks and discoloration blotches associated with other applications.

Flexibility – Coil coating permits easy flexibility for changes in color, type amd quality level of non-stick finish desired.

Resistance to Abrasion and Denting – Because coil coated bakeware is formed after the metal is coated, the non-stick finish is much more durable. Spray finishes are subject to brittleness and are prone to cracking.

G&S Coatings meet or exceed the specifications for all international quality standards in both composition and the application process.

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